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A Vision of June in the Garage

Marcie H. (2/10/07)

Our friend Marcie's first vision came on the Saturday that June died after she had gone to bed in utter devastation from reading my initial email about June's death. In an open vision (seeing back through time) she saw June in a car on a bench seat. Marcie knew nothing about how June had died, or that June had been lying on the back bench seat, not the front bucket seats of our car. She saw June sit bolt upright and shake herself as if to say, What am I doing here? She then saw her open the door, get out and walk between the car and the garage wall to the exit door where she collapsed without being able to get out. Marcie could not have known it, but her vision was showing her exactly what Melissa had sensed and heard in the spirit earlier that day when she prayed for June to awaken.

It was only the next day (Sunday) that she learned from a friend that June had died in a garage and only from me on Monday that she had died exactly as she had been shown by the Lord. Later, at the reception following the memorial service, Marci was describing to some of us how June's body had been lying by the door of the garage in her vision. June's nephew the one who found June by the door happened to overhear our conversation. He said with obvious excitement that Marci was describing exactly what he had observed. This, I believe, was meant by God to confirm to us that the next revelation was truly of the Lord and accurate.

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